Welcome to Jazzy's Flight Deck!
Are you a beginner RC airplane flier? If you are, I hope to provide valuable information to help you get off the ground! RC flying can be very frustrating, and this is quite normal, so don't let it stop you from enjoying this wonderful hobby! Once you get your plane up there, I promise you will be happy you did it! Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see here or if you have any questions.
Aircraft listed in bold now have mini-reviews and/or videos.
Over and out!
jasmine2501 at "don'tspamme" netzero dot com
Hi Jasmine,
Picked up a Blade CX2 recently myself and have been tearing up the living room. Decent at hovering and not causing damage now. Would love to hear more about your adventures with it.
There are some videos of it on Youtube, and listed on the side here. It's flying good now that I got all the aluminum upgrades and got everything balanced and tweaked. Take your time to make sure it's trimmed and balanced.... it makes a big difference.
Nice, but maybe try Vimeo next time. Its hard to see anything with YouTube videos, everything is blurry. Too much compression.
Yup... go check my Vimeo account... these particular videos were shot with a lousy camera too, making it that much worse.
Jasmine2501 on Vimeo
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